Today's Paper | July 05, 2024

Published 31 Mar, 2010 12:00am

Fig cultivation in Pakistan

THIS is apropos of the article, 'Fig cultivation in Pakistan' (Dawn Business, Feb 23). A plea was made for its expansion in cultivation and production on the following points

a) Fig is an important fruit crop in many countries because of its various uses.

b) According to official agencies, fig is now being grown in the NWFP, Punjab and Sindh on a small scale.

c) Fig has not only internal demand but also has export value. Pakistan at present is making do with its imports only, and has not paid attention to its cultivation in order to cut down its import which is a drain on our meagre foreign exchange.

d) The fig drying industry can provide employment to people and also reduce regular imports.

A fruit crop that has a demand at home, as well as has an export value, needs looking into to make Pakistan a fig-growing and exporting country.


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