Rasool Buksh, popularly known as 'Raja Bhai Jaan' took inspiration from his late father, Ustad Jumma Khan Surizai, who began playing and manufacturing banjo's from a very early age. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja carves, designs and completes all the steps in making a banjo solely himself. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com The average life span of a Banjo is 40 years, although some may last a lot longer. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com According to Raja, it takes him a minimum of 15 days to complete making a single banjo. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja also goes to the market himself to fetch all the raw materials he uses in the making of a banjo. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja shows off his favourite banjo with his name inscripted on it. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com He displays the inner workings of a banjo, revealing the correlation between keys, strings and melody. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja Bhai poses under an old photograph. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja Bhai's father Ustad Jumma invented a banjo inspired from a Japanese musical toy. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com Raja gives a lot of importance to the details in his banjo design, including the key intonation. - Photo by Shameen Khan/Dawn.com