Blackout hits Bangladesh

A massive nationwide power blackout hit Bangladesh on Saturday after a transmission line failed, leaving homes, businesses and shops in the densely-populated country without electricity. Power was restored in some parts of the capital Dhaka after several hours, and authorities said they hoped to have electricity back on across the nation of 155 million by Saturday evening.
Local media said the problem stemmed from a technical problem at an electrical substation that was distributing power from India, but government officials would not confirm the reports.
The blackout hit at the weekend, lessening the impact on industry. Temperatures have also passed their summer peak, limiting complaints over the stoppage of fans and air conditioning units.
Many people in rural chronically energy-short Bangladesh, used to regular power cuts lasting many hours, did not know that the blackout was nationwide. But homes and shops went without power, and elevators were halted.
The presidential palace, the prime minister's office, government offices and television stations were all hit by the outage. Hospital intensive care units functioned on back-up generators, but ward patients suffered.