PNRA response

Published August 17, 2016

THIS is apropos A.H. Nayyar & Zia Mian’ article ‘Hidden dangers’ (Aug 13). The article raises a concern about the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s decision to grant licence to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission for the construction of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant’s (KANUPP) units 2 and 3 on the coastline.

The PNRA has established safety standards for regulating nuclear power installations in Pakistan. These regulations are based upon International Atomic Energy Agency’s standards and take the essence of several other good practices that include United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission standards, and standards of the vendor country.

One of the requirements of these regulations is the submission of Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) on standard format and contents. The PSAR of KANUPP — 2 and 3 submitted by PAEC fulfill the requirements of these regulations and feedback of Fukushima accident of 2013. The scope of PSAR covers all the safety aspects ranging from siting to operation of nuclear power plants, including fuel and radioactive waste management.

PNRA has reviewed, assessed and where necessary analysed the design, all the vulnerabilities, accident scenarios and their probable consequences. The apprehensions expressed in the aforementioned article have already been addressed by PNRA during safety review of the PSAR of KANUPP — 2 and 3.

PNRA is fully cognizant of its responsibilities and has always endeavoured to enhance nuclear safety and practices and procedures.

In this backdrop, PNRA is satisfied with the design provisions, safety analysis and consequence analysis presented in the PSAR, associated topical reports and additional information required by the Authority. It may be mentioned that PNRA has reviewed and assessed the nuclear power plants from every safety aspect before issuance of the construction licence.

Fouzia Ansari

Secretary PNRA


Published in Dawn, August 17th, 2016



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