Easter in Pakistan
April 23, 2011

Christian believers around the world mark the Holy Week of Easter in celebration of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Good Friday is a solemn day when Christians reflect on the suffering and crucifixion of Christ.
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P. Joseph Raju
Apr 24, 2011 12:32am
Thank you for posting this and other articles in the Dawn. God is concerned about the poor people. One day, He will bless them. Your support for these needy and suffering people is appreciated. Happy Easter.
P. Joseph Raju
sikander bhatti
Apr 25, 2011 10:37am
I am glad to see these pictures and the message of peace.
I pray to Allah that better sense prevails all over Pakistan , remain peaceful and have respect for rights of all irrespective of religion , creed , race , colour and looks.
Prudent Injeeli
Apr 25, 2011 11:14am
It's quite a laudable gesture by Dawn to post a few pics from Easter celebrations in Pakistan, where minorities, and particularly the Christian minority has been on the receiving end for quite a long time now. The Daily Dawn has always been very supportive to the cause of peace, justice and equality for all, particularly for the minorities. Please keep up your noble mission to stand by the poor and the down trodden minorities, though not many will know it as not many of them read the dawn who need to read it the most. the Dawn has been a voice of reason and sanity in this age of utter intolerance and bigotry. To close, as the least of the least followerd of my Lord, all I can say is, God bless you and all who are associated with this great newspaper, Peace, joy and blessings.
Prudent Injeeli
Apr 26, 2011 12:13am
God bless Pakistan and God bless all inhabitants of this country, irrespective of color, caste or religion. Christians are as much citizens of Pakistan as are Muslims -- this is exactly how it was envisaged by the Founder of Pakistan, Mr. M A Jinnah.
I would like to congratulate all our Christian brethren on this joyous occasion of Easter on behalf of their Muslim brothers. Our aim should be to strive for peace, love and equality for all under the flag of Pakistan. The time to right the wrongs of yesteryears starts right now.
Apr 27, 2011 09:25am
Was glad to come across these pictures, a positive note towards the christian faith.
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