42 envoys appointed in 2 years

Published March 8, 2003

ISLAMABAD, March 7: The government of Pakistan appointed 42 envoys in the last two years of whom 12 were non-career diplomats.

Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri provided this information on Wednesday in a written reply to a question raised by Chaudhry Abid Sher Ali in the National Assembly about the criterion adopted for diplomatic appointments.

The appointments of career ambassadors/high commissioners from the foreign service are done on the basis of seniority, experience and suitability, Mr Kasuri said.

As a standard procedure, “the ministry of foreign affairs recommends to the prime minister the names career officers with enough experience for appointment as ambassadors,” he explained.

However, he noted, that the appointment of non-career ambassadors/high commissioners was the prerogative and discretion of the prime minister/head of the government.

Of the 12 non-career ambassadors/high commissioners 10 are retired army officers. Their names and postings are: Rustam Shah Mahmand (Afghanistan); Major Sabihuddin Bukhari (Bahrain); Major Badar-ud-din (Brunei); Syed Pervez Hussain (South Korea); Maj-Gen Sultan Habib (North Korea); Vice Admiral Khalid Mir (Lebanon); Air Marshal Farooq Qari (Libya); Lt-Gen Nasim Rana (Malaysia); Lt-Gen Ashan Jahangir Ali (Mexico); Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza (Saudi Arabia).


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