Dr Khwaja Ali Shahid

The Second innings

The Second innings

Played, conquered and retired … now what? Published 19 Mar, 2017 08:05am
Galling gallstones

Galling gallstones

Women over the age of forty who are overweight need to be particularly vigilant Published 31 Jul, 2016 07:15am
Spinning into action

Spinning into action

Many ‘spin doctors’ here sneak in the wrong action under the garb of slow bowling Updated 01 May, 2016 11:58am
Appalling appendicitis

Appalling appendicitis

A dull pain becomes sharp with time and must be attended to immediately Published 03 Apr, 2016 07:15am
Karachi Olympics-2040!

Karachi Olympics-2040!

If we can’t go to the Olympics, the Olympic Games must come to us! Published 13 Dec, 2015 07:15am
No full stops

No full stops

Some bloom early, some late. No, we are not talking of flower buds here. A few months ago we carried a piece about Published 22 Nov, 2015 07:20am
Cloudy vision!

Cloudy vision!

Cataract is the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40 years of age and is the leading cause of blindness Published 15 Nov, 2015 07:02am
Evading the ‘Midas Touch’!

Evading the ‘Midas Touch’!

If you have by chance contracted conjunctivitis, take precautions so that you do not spread it to others Published 18 Oct, 2015 06:45am
… And now a word from our sponsors

… And now a word from our sponsors

Look at a sportsperson’s kit and you’ll find logos and brand names. He or she is a walking, talking advertisement, Published 16 Aug, 2015 06:04am
Broken beyond repair

Broken beyond repair

Due to an injury, sometimes they are chopped from a forthcoming game and sometimes their career ends Published 12 Jul, 2015 06:52am
Recreation: Fast, furious, Ferrari

Recreation: Fast, furious, Ferrari

Adrenaline rush, breathtaking rides, fear and fun … that’s what Abu Dhabi’s Ferrari World has in store for you Published 21 Jun, 2015 07:01am
May the ‘4’ be with you!

May the ‘4’ be with you!

The year 1994 was one of the most remarkable in terms of Pakistani sports, because this is when Pakistan reigned supreme Published 31 May, 2015 06:46am
Curse of the commentator

Curse of the commentator

Expert advice for ‘expert’ commentators: Look before you blame Published 05 Apr, 2015 07:27am
Judge me not!

Judge me not!

Umpires and referees are caretakers and custodians of the game but that doesn’t mean they can’t make mistakes. Published 12 Oct, 2014 06:59am
Playing to the crowds

Playing to the crowds

The emotions of the crowd, spectators and fans only depict their extreme involvement and psychological attachment to the Published 20 Jul, 2014 06:42am

Stamping our sports

Postage stamps on the theme of sports and games are printed all over the world and have over the years been eagerly sou Published 06 Apr, 2014 07:48am

Safety first!

The advent of technology and the concept of using sports as a tool to make the world a global village and bring... Published 19 Jan, 2014 07:58am