Pervez Hoodbhoy
The world rightly ignores complaints of Islamophobia from a country that mistreats its religious minorities.
Updated 07 Nov, 2020 08:27am
Successful societies know that those who fight wars well are not always best suited for running industries, academia, or govt.
Updated 10 Oct, 2020 08:05am
Arab and Pakistani cultures remain self-congratulatory even eight centuries after Islam’s Golden Age ended.
Updated 19 Sep, 2020 07:54am
Yoking ordinary schools to madressahs will impair the reasoning capacity of children and job competitiveness.
Updated 29 Aug, 2020 08:21am
India and Pakistan’s new education policies will push their respective religious minorities into a corner.
Updated 09 Aug, 2020 11:06am
The SNC massively prioritises ideology over education quality and acquisition of basic skills.
Updated 18 Jul, 2020 08:52am
Left-liberals in the West should ponder the effects of effacing historical symbols as Pakistan-India have.
Updated 27 Jun, 2020 08:18am
Faked history fuels revivalist dreams, creates false hopes, & suggests the way forward is through the sword.
Updated 06 Jun, 2020 10:36am
The state’s scorn for science and surrender to religious forces has put Pakistan’s millions in danger.
Published 16 May, 2020 06:13am
What is called online learning can be worth its name if and only if there’s absolute transparency.
Published 25 Apr, 2020 06:44am
Hopes for dealing scientifically with the virus rest upon Darwin’s discovery of the principle of natural selection.
Updated 05 Apr, 2020 10:58am
All males hold on to the name they used along their life’s journey while women's gravestones rarely carry their names.
Published 14 Mar, 2020 03:53pm
To see where a woman stands in the social order just walk through a cemetery and read the gravestones.
Published 14 Mar, 2020 07:19am
To reward those who killed our soldiers and policemen is inexplicable and a prescription for a second round.
Published 22 Feb, 2020 07:08am
This is the story of Pakistan’s most recognised mathematician and why we finally lost him.
Updated 01 Feb, 2020 08:11am
Outrage at America’s overseas rampages is joining together peoples with hugely different thoughts and beliefs.
Updated 11 Jan, 2020 08:22am
That so many from the professional classes resort to hooliganism owes to their Ziaist-style school education.
Updated 21 Dec, 2019 07:21am
Dr Abdus Salam’s role in seeking China’s help for Pakistan’s atomic bomb has just been revealed.
Updated 30 Nov, 2019 09:27am
Ghost teachers in Pakistani rural schools are common enough but few know of our ghost mathematicians.
Updated 09 Nov, 2019 07:16am
Mr Prime Minister: welcome to the liberal camp! You are saying now what we liberals have said for 20 years.
Updated 19 Oct, 2019 09:04am