Pervez Hoodbhoy

Salam’s face blackened

Salam’s face blackened

The world rightly ignores complaints of Islamophobia from a country that mistreats its religious minorities. Updated 07 Nov, 2020 08:27am
A military is only for war

A military is only for war

Successful societies know that those who fight wars well are not always best suited for running industries, academia, or govt. Updated 10 Oct, 2020 08:05am
Arab cultural narcissism

Arab cultural narcissism

Arab and Pakistani cultures remain self-congratulatory even eight centuries after Islam’s Golden Age ended. Updated 19 Sep, 2020 07:54am
Classless education up ahead?

Classless education up ahead?

Yoking ordinary schools to madressahs will impair the reasoning capacity of children and job competitiveness. Updated 29 Aug, 2020 08:21am
Pak-India education compared

Pak-India education compared

India and Pakistan’s new education policies will push their respective religious minorities into a corner. Updated 09 Aug, 2020 11:06am
Don’t tear down statues

Don’t tear down statues

Left-liberals in the West should ponder the effects of effacing historical symbols as Pakistan-India have. Updated 27 Jun, 2020 08:18am
Some take science seriously

Some take science seriously

The state’s scorn for science and surrender to religious forces has put Pakistan’s millions in danger. Published 16 May, 2020 06:13am
HEC: seize the corona moment

HEC: seize the corona moment

What is called online learning can be worth its name if and only if there’s absolute transparency. Published 25 Apr, 2020 06:44am
Corona — our debt to Darwin

Corona — our debt to Darwin

Hopes for dealing scientifically with the virus rest upon Darwin’s discovery of the principle of natural selection. Updated 05 Apr, 2020 10:58am
What when a woman dies?

What when a woman dies?

To see where a woman stands in the social order just walk through a cemetery and read the gravestones. Published 14 Mar, 2020 07:19am
Lal Masjid: appeasement again?

Lal Masjid: appeasement again?

To reward those who killed our soldiers and policemen is inexplicable and a prescription for a second round. Published 22 Feb, 2020 07:08am
Why Pakistan loses its best

Why Pakistan loses its best

This is the story of Pakistan’s most recognised mathematician and why we finally lost him. Updated 01 Feb, 2020 08:11am
Today, I am proudly Iranian

Today, I am proudly Iranian

Outrage at America’s overseas rampages is joining together peoples with hugely different thoughts and beliefs. Updated 11 Jan, 2020 08:22am
Hooligans in high professions

Hooligans in high professions

That so many from the professional classes resort to hooliganism owes to their Ziaist-style school education. Updated 21 Dec, 2019 07:21am
Abdus Salam in China

Abdus Salam in China

Dr Abdus Salam’s role in seeking China’s help for Pakistan’s atomic bomb has just been revealed. Updated 30 Nov, 2019 09:27am
Our ghost mathematicians

Our ghost mathematicians

Ghost teachers in Pakistani rural schools are common enough but few know of our ghost mathematicians. Updated 09 Nov, 2019 07:16am
God bless liberal fascists

God bless liberal fascists

Mr Prime Minister: welcome to the liberal camp! You are saying now what we liberals have said for 20 years. Updated 19 Oct, 2019 09:04am