Norbert Almeida
Choose the right car seat for your child and relax knowing that your bundle of joy is secure
Published 25 Jan, 2015 07:43am
Can you tell whether the currency note you have just been handed is genuine or fake? Read on to learn how to do so
Published 21 Dec, 2014 06:46am
Enjoy the cool winter but don’t forget to take safety measures
Published 30 Nov, 2014 07:29am
Winter brings fog, reducing visibility; take care to avoid any untoward situation.
Updated 16 Nov, 2014 07:41am
Do you know how to be prepared for a really, really rainy day?
Updated 02 Nov, 2014 06:58am
Don’t be caught unprepared in case of a fire.
Published 26 Oct, 2014 06:39am
Here are certain premises that need to be clearly established.
Published 12 Oct, 2014 06:56am
Think, be aware and sharpen your natural instinct to stay safe inside and outside your home.
Updated 28 Sep, 2014 07:05am
Here are some advice about how to keep yourself safe from strangers at all times.
Updated 17 Sep, 2014 06:37pm
By following travel guidelines you ease half your worries.
Updated 31 Aug, 2014 12:49pm
Unintentional injury is among the leading causes of death in children. Discover the best practices to prevent household
Published 17 Aug, 2014 06:10am
Be aware of simple security measures and stop thieves in their tracks
Published 03 Aug, 2014 07:15am
The data on your mobile set can be misused if it falls in the hands of criminals; secure it for your safety and peace
Published 20 Jul, 2014 06:42am
You can be mugged or deprived of your vehicle on a shopping trip; read on to see what you can do to minimise the risk
Published 06 Jul, 2014 07:12am
A grab-bag is a survival kit for a family of four which should last you through the first 72 hours of a disaster.
Updated 27 Jun, 2014 02:11pm
Feeling insecure at home and on the road and thinking of hiring a private guard? Read on to know how to go about it
Published 08 Jun, 2014 07:05am
Commuting via any means is not always safe; know what you need to make it back home
Published 25 May, 2014 07:36am
Personal security is everyone’s concern; know what to do to ensure you and your loved ones are safe
Published 11 May, 2014 06:59am
Take control of your life with Get Smart, from everyday safety tips to financial advice and much much more. This week,
Updated 30 Apr, 2014 11:38am
Whether you are a renowned public figure, primary student, or a mom, you need to protect yourselves from online fraud.
Published 18 Feb, 2014 04:03pm