Plan9, a government-based project, makes sure that if you have the right idea and the will, lack of resources should not be a hindrance
Published18 Apr, 2013 03:44pm
A recent incident at the annual PyCon conference ended up in 2 developers losing their jobs, but serves to highlight the plight of women in the industry.
Published13 Apr, 2013 03:22pm
The European Space Agency (ESA) Planck probe is one of the most sensitive instruments being used to analyse the nature of the Universe.
Published03 Apr, 2013 03:49pm
For the first truly new product category to emerge under Tim Cook’s stewardship, Apple cannot afford for it to be a failure.
Published01 Apr, 2013 03:45pm
The event focused on digital literacy, problem-solving and collaboration skills for professional and personal growth of women in media.
Published15 Mar, 2013 10:20am
While legal war winds down, it is clear that Apple and Samsung have plenty of common interests as they work to beat back other potential challengers.
Published11 Feb, 2013 11:24am