RIGHT about now the State Bank is getting ready to prepare its monetary policy statement due to be announced on October 5.
Published26 Sep, 2012 09:03pm
IF you need any proof that Mr Imran Khan is not ready to wield power, much less execute complex ‘plans’ for the economic revival of this country, look no further than the conundrum in which he finds himself in the ongoing talks on selecting an interim pri
Published20 Sep, 2012 12:10am
HE’S got quite the story, but nobody to tell it to. Last week, Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh and I sat down for dinner and a chat, accompanied by the secretary finance.
Published13 Sep, 2012 12:10am
Does Pakistan have sufficient reserves to prevent a dramatic slide in the value of the rupee over the course of the next nine to ten months?
Published09 Sep, 2012 03:03am
IF reports are true, and there are lots of indications that they are, the government is getting ready to lift more than a couple of bucketfuls from the banks to square all receivables in the power sector and prepare to bring loadshedding down in the time
Published06 Sep, 2012 01:03am
NOW don’t get me wrong. I’m all for “recovering looted wealth” and I’m all for using the proceeds to help educate our youth.
Published30 Aug, 2012 03:03am
WHAT do you call it when your words are contradicted by your deeds? I’m pretty sure whatever the word, it’s a very unkind one.
Published16 Aug, 2012 12:10am
“THE problem with the fertiliser sector is that it doesn’t enjoy political clout like textile and many other lobbies do,” said Naz Khan, the newly inducted chief financial officer of Engro, while discussing the corporation’s plan to ask for an extension o
Published02 Aug, 2012 12:10am
THIS is one pun I’m not apologising for. For years now it’s been strongly suspected that a practice known as ‘ghost billing’ is rampant in our power sector.
Published13 Jun, 2012 09:03pm
LOOKS like they’re having problems with their audio system over there at the State Bank. It’s getting a little hard to tell which song they’re playing.
Published07 Jun, 2012 12:10am
IT’S budget time and the channels are abuzz with activity. For the next three days this will be all there is on air, an annual ritual that comes with a flurry and disappears just as quickly.
Published30 May, 2012 10:05pm
When Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh stands up to deliver the budget speech on June 1st, in a sense he will be making history.
Published29 May, 2012 12:00am