Najmuddin A. Shaikh

Ominous clouds

WHILE the world remains preoccupied with Syria, I want to devote this column, which appears on the 12th anniversary... Published 11 Sep, 2013 07:02am

Limitations of power

ON Saturday, President Obama declared, “I have decided that the United States should take military action against... Updated 04 Sep, 2013 07:41am

The Karzai visit

SECTIONS of the Western media had been reporting that even though formally suspended talks on the US-Afghan ... Published 28 Aug, 2013 07:54am

The internal crisis

THE annual survey of ‘failed states’ covering 2012 has just appeared in Foreign Policy. Using data on elements... Updated 21 Aug, 2013 07:58am

The sectarian war

IN my last column on the Syrian situation I had promised to write on the impact that sectarian strife in that ... Published 14 Aug, 2013 09:05am

The Kerry visit

THE oft-postponed visit by Secretary John Kerry had been eagerly awaited in Islamabad. According to the ... Published 07 Aug, 2013 07:50am

Fallout of Syrian conflict

IS there some hope to be entertained that the tragedy in Syria will be brought to an end either by the efforts of ... Updated 31 Jul, 2013 06:56am

Hardly a new chapter

IF Mr Sartaj Aziz visited Afghanistan to convince Hamid Karzai of Pakistan’s sincere desire to improve relations... Published 24 Jul, 2013 06:48am

Uncertainty prevails

PREDICTABLY, an article in the New York Times stating that President Barack Obama was now seriously considering the... Published 17 Jul, 2013 07:44am

Confusion in Afghanistan

AMID all the uncertainties in Afghanistan, one thing remains certain: there Published 10 Jul, 2013 07:56am

No end to turmoil

IT would be no exaggeration to say that the Muslim heartland is aflame and that in large measure the turmoil is... Published 03 Jul, 2013 08:05am

Reconciliation efforts

MY article on Afghanistan last week, written two days before it was published, was essentially an analysis of... Published 26 Jun, 2013 07:30am

The pace picks up

EARLY last month, the American deputy secretary who led his country’s delegation to the US-Afghan bilateral... Published 19 Jun, 2013 08:13am

Turmoil in tribal areas

OUR armed forces are engaged in fierce battles in the Khyber and Kurram agencies and on a somewhat smaller scale in... Published 12 Jun, 2013 06:02am

The Guantanamo problem

IN my last article I had promised to analyse what President Barack Obama had to say about Guantanamo There are two... Updated 19 Jul, 2013 07:36am

The Guantanamo problem

IN my last article I had promised to analyse what President Barack Obama had to say about Guantanamo Published 05 Jun, 2013 08:28am

New policy on drones

PRESIDENT Obama’s speech at the American National Defence University last Thursday attracted a great deal of... Published 29 May, 2013 06:45am

The obstacles ahead

IT would be naïve on the part of the new government as it formulates its policy towards Afghanistan, not to... Published 22 May, 2013 08:45am

The Afghanistan challenge

IT is more or less clear that despite security threats and administrative breakdowns the massive — by Pakistani... Published 15 May, 2013 08:17am
Karzai on the warpath

Karzai on the warpath

PERHAPS of all the bizarre and grim developments in Afghanistan over the last few days the one that takes the cake ... Published 08 May, 2013 09:41am