Najmuddin A. Shaikh
WHILE the world remains preoccupied with Syria, I want to devote this column, which appears on the 12th anniversary...
Published 11 Sep, 2013 07:02am
ON Saturday, President Obama declared, “I have decided that the United States should take military action against...
Updated 04 Sep, 2013 07:41am
SECTIONS of the Western media had been reporting that even though formally suspended talks on the US-Afghan ...
Published 28 Aug, 2013 07:54am
THE annual survey of ‘failed states’ covering 2012 has just appeared in Foreign Policy. Using data on elements...
Updated 21 Aug, 2013 07:58am
IN my last column on the Syrian situation I had promised to write on the impact that sectarian strife in that ...
Published 14 Aug, 2013 09:05am
THE oft-postponed visit by Secretary John Kerry had been eagerly awaited in Islamabad.
According to the ...
Published 07 Aug, 2013 07:50am
IS there some hope to be entertained that the tragedy in Syria will be brought to an end either by the efforts of ...
Updated 31 Jul, 2013 06:56am
IF Mr Sartaj Aziz visited Afghanistan to convince Hamid Karzai of Pakistan’s sincere desire to improve relations...
Published 24 Jul, 2013 06:48am
PREDICTABLY, an article in the New York Times stating that President Barack Obama was now seriously considering the...
Published 17 Jul, 2013 07:44am
AMID all the uncertainties in Afghanistan, one thing remains certain: there
Published 10 Jul, 2013 07:56am
IT would be no exaggeration to say that the Muslim heartland is aflame and that in large measure the turmoil is...
Published 03 Jul, 2013 08:05am
MY article on Afghanistan last week, written two days before it was published, was essentially an analysis of...
Published 26 Jun, 2013 07:30am
EARLY last month, the American deputy secretary who led his country’s delegation to the US-Afghan bilateral...
Published 19 Jun, 2013 08:13am
OUR armed forces are engaged in fierce battles in the Khyber and Kurram agencies and on a somewhat smaller scale in...
Published 12 Jun, 2013 06:02am
IN my last article I had promised to analyse what President Barack Obama had to say about Guantanamo
There are two...
Updated 19 Jul, 2013 07:36am
IN my last article I had promised to analyse what President Barack Obama had to say about Guantanamo
Published 05 Jun, 2013 08:28am
PRESIDENT Obama’s speech at the American National Defence University last Thursday attracted a great deal of...
Published 29 May, 2013 06:45am
IT would be naïve on the part of the new government as it formulates its policy towards Afghanistan, not to...
Published 22 May, 2013 08:45am
IT is more or less clear that despite security threats and administrative breakdowns the massive — by Pakistani...
Published 15 May, 2013 08:17am
PERHAPS of all the bizarre and grim developments in Afghanistan over the last few days the one that takes the cake ...
Published 08 May, 2013 09:41am