IN what was termed a routine meeting of the Afghan National Security Council on Sunday President Hamid Karzai instructed his ministers of defence, interior and foreign affairs to take “immediate action” to see to the removal of the border gate, checkpost
Published17 Apr, 2013 05:10am
IN less than 20 months all coalition forces are due to withdraw from Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai’s outburst against the Americans had raised the question of whether Karzai wanted a residual American presence.
Published10 Apr, 2013 05:10am
WHEN one views the pictures of president George W. Bush being informed of 9/11, bewilderment and shock are evident. After all the American mainland, protected by two oceans, had never suffered a direct attack.
Published03 Apr, 2013 01:03am
AS President Barack Obama started out on his journey to the Middle East, Iraqis were marking the tenth anniversary of the invasion of their country — an invasion that was supposed to liberate them from the dictatorial Saddam regime and set new standards o
Published27 Mar, 2013 05:10am
IN the days that have passed since American Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel visited Kabul and received a less than cordial welcome from President Hamid Karzai, there has been no visible improvement in relations between the Karzai administration and the Inte
Published20 Mar, 2013 05:10am
US DEFENCE Secretary Chuck Hagel, on his first overseas trip after a bruising confirmation hearing, arrived in Afghanistan probably hoping to hear some words of praise for the “blood and treasure” that the Americans and their allies had expended in Afghan
Published13 Mar, 2013 12:10am
IRAN has been in the news in Pakistan for the past few weeks. This is primarily because of the finalisation of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline agreement and the fear that it would attract UN, or at least US, sanctions on Pakistan for breaching the US-led e
Published06 Mar, 2013 12:15am
THE recent meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels has brought to light the sort of ideas the Obama administration is debating with Nato allies as it tries to meet the objectives of completing its military withdrawal by 2014 and leaving behind enoug
Published27 Feb, 2013 12:15am
OVER the last few weeks, particularly in the week preceding the congressional hearings for confirmation of Obama’s new CIA director, much has appeared in the American and international media about the role of
Published12 Feb, 2013 08:05pm
THE trilateral summit hosted in London by Prime Minister David Cameron, judging by the joint statement his office released, has been an outstanding success.
Published06 Feb, 2013 12:15am
PERHAPS the best news to emerge concerning Afghanistan over the last few days is the five-day visit of the Afghan defence minister Gen Bismillah Khan Mohammadi to Pakistan at the invitation of our army chief.
Published30 Jan, 2013 12:15am
WHAT is one to make of the recent incidents along the Line of Control (LoC), the extensive and distorted media coverage they received and the consequent rise in tension in India-Pakistan relations?
Published23 Jan, 2013 12:15am
BY the time this article appears President Karzai will have arrived in Washington and possibly have had his first round of talks with President Obama and with a now recovered Secretary Hilary Clinton.
Published09 Jan, 2013 12:15am
PAKISTAN has been making almost heroic efforts over the last few months to put its relations with Afghanistan on an even keel and make a vital contribution to the reconciliation process that the Afghan government ostensibly wishes to move forward.
Published02 Jan, 2013 12:15am
DESPITE the difficulties created by the attack on the Afghan intelligence chief, the trilateral summit in Turkey was a step forward in the effort to reinforce an apparent agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Published19 Dec, 2012 12:15am