Usama Khilji

Online feminism

Online feminism

Women have built strong networks of support including online. Published 10 Mar, 2021 07:39am
Journalism and the internet

Journalism and the internet

Big tech and big news corporations have negotiated an agreement of profit-sharing but where does this leave citizens? Published 01 Mar, 2021 07:57am
Hacks and spies

Hacks and spies

Reports of hacking attempts and malware are commonplace. Published 07 Feb, 2021 07:48am
Rights-restricting actions

Rights-restricting actions

The issue with the new social media rules is that they should not exist in the first place. Published 31 Jan, 2021 08:11am
Post-colonial elitism

Post-colonial elitism

The language of the colonisers is seen as a marker of success. Updated 25 Jan, 2021 06:55am
Changes in privacy policy

Changes in privacy policy

It is indeed a blunder by WhatsApp to move towards a model that is less private than before. Published 16 Jan, 2021 06:55am
Information integrity

Information integrity

We should learn from this exposé that it is never a good idea to employ malicious campaigns online. Published 28 Dec, 2020 08:00am
Network disruptions

Network disruptions

Why is the Universal Service Fund not being used to extend mobile and internet connectivity in underserved areas? Published 06 Dec, 2020 07:25am
Draconian internet rules

Draconian internet rules

The new Rules undermine the citizens’ right to privacy and enhance the state’s surveillance powers. Updated 22 Nov, 2020 08:10am
Internet policymaking

Internet policymaking

It is important that internet laws and policies be democratic, transparent, consultative and informed. Published 08 Nov, 2020 07:00am
Censoring freedoms

Censoring freedoms

Can we not utilise these very apps to put forward the messages we want to encourage? Published 24 Oct, 2020 07:07am
Chilling effect

Chilling effect

The intent is to keep people away from political discourse. Published 28 Sep, 2020 07:42am
Toe the line

Toe the line

The agenda seems to be to discredit the press. Published 13 Sep, 2020 06:51am
Reimagining the internet

Reimagining the internet

Companies are more likely to invest here if there are no threats of measures to block apps and websites. Published 30 Aug, 2020 08:34am
Data protection bill

Data protection bill

It is important to explore the strengths of the bill as well as address its shortcomings. Published 10 May, 2020 06:46am
Tracking Covid-19

Tracking Covid-19

Transparency is essential in the government’s methods. Published 26 Apr, 2020 06:03am
Pemra’s latest assault

Pemra’s latest assault

The only type of regulation that makes sense for internet-based content is self-regulation. Updated 03 Feb, 2020 08:11pm
Dangerous surveillance

Dangerous surveillance

The University of Balochistan case is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg of privacy violations in Pakistan. Published 22 Dec, 2019 07:27am
Technology for justice

Technology for justice

Perhaps technology can empower citizens to hold the law-enforcement system accountable. Published 14 Oct, 2019 07:07am