Usama Khilji
If surveillance is to be carried out, there should at least be safeguards against abuse.
Published 22 Jul, 2019 06:51am
The obsession with capturing every moment through phones acts as a saviour.
Published 05 Mar, 2019 06:53am
Efforts to control what citizens can say sound ideal in an Orwellian dystopia, but not in a democratic state.
Updated 16 Feb, 2019 09:19am
The draft law contains some welcome steps to protect personal information.
Published 07 Jan, 2019 07:02am
Are citizens expected to blindly peddle state propaganda and not question state excesses?
Published 24 Dec, 2018 07:04am
Tech companies have begun to cede to requests for censorship.
Published 02 Dec, 2018 07:01am
It is time for tough decisions to establish the writ of the state.
Published 04 Nov, 2018 07:06am
Voting is a right, not a privilege.
Published 13 Aug, 2018 06:08am
Social media is far more democratic than other forms of media.
Published 25 Jul, 2018 07:06am
Criticism of state policies must not be discouraged.
Published 11 Jun, 2018 07:11am
Women using social media to speak up have received unparalleled solidarity — and astonishing backlash.
Updated 25 May, 2018 08:00am
Citizens and governments should hold companies to higher safety standards when dealing with private information.
Updated 30 Apr, 2018 06:34pm
Companies that profit off our data should be made to pay damages under the law.
Published 09 Apr, 2018 06:21am
A smartphone app won’t stop hate speech.
Published 18 Mar, 2018 04:43am
It is unfortunate that mainstream media has provided less than due coverage to these movements.
Published 26 Feb, 2018 07:20am
To what extent have the major political parties sought to protect fundamental rights since 2013?
Updated 06 Jun, 2018 04:49pm
Children and teenagers can be especially vulnerable over the internet.
Published 23 Jan, 2018 06:54am
Media blackouts give rise to rumour and panic.
Published 07 Jan, 2018 07:00am
Our privacy is compromised when our personal data is stored by companies and governments.
Published 19 Dec, 2017 03:06am
A democratic government should see criticism by citizens as feedback to improve its functioning.
Updated 31 Oct, 2017 10:40am