Ardeshir Cowasjee

Hope springs eternal

OCCASIONALLY, just occasionally, there is a glimmer of hope. Not for the immediate present, nor even for the near... Published 28 Aug, 2011 01:15am

A ‘killer’ population

A TEACHER is lecturing on population: “In Pakistan, every 10 seconds a woman gives birth to a baby.” A smart-alec... Published 21 Aug, 2011 12:00pm

That enduring shame

TODAY is officially a day of celebration — of sorts — for the ruling clique and a sizeable portion of the 180-plus... Published 14 Aug, 2011 04:02am

‘He hit me first’

SUBTITLED ‘When brothers and sisters fight’, Louise Bates Arnes wrote He Hit Me First in 1982 on selected dos and... Published 07 Aug, 2011 12:54am

What — if anything?

WITH increasing frequency, there fall into my email inbox messages from young people, students, some studying ... Published 30 Jul, 2011 08:04pm

The ultimate cause

ON consecutive days, Irfan Husain and this column have taken up a critical issue which for reasons of expediency has... Published 24 Jul, 2011 01:00am

Look back in sorrow

IN times of dire turmoil, when things on all fronts seem hopeless and one does not know what might happen in the... Published 16 Jul, 2011 08:34pm

This land of mega scams

IN this ‘world-is-but-a-stage’ that is Pakistan, what is it that visits apathy upon the suffering masses? They... Published 09 Jul, 2011 08:36pm

In reverse gear

PAKISTAN continues to flounder. The 2010 Environmental Performance Index ranked 163 countries on 25 performance... Published 02 Jul, 2011 08:13pm

Friction, not breakdown

MID-June was a particularly fraught period for that strange relationship that prevails between the mighty US, which... Published 25 Jun, 2011 08:28pm

Castles on dung heaps?

GEORGE Burns, the comedian who generated laughter up to the age of 100 (much to be said for having a sense of... Published 18 Jun, 2011 08:18pm

Myths and make-believe

THIS nation is past master at myth-making and befooling itself. It lives in make-believe land — in our particular ... Published 12 Jun, 2011 04:46am
Emotion versus reality

Emotion versus reality

A man points towards the Wikileaks memos shown on a TV screen at an electronic shop in Karachi, Pakistan on ... Updated 29 Apr, 2019 04:42pm

Have we really seen the enemy?

WHILST the United States and Great Britain are doing whatever they think best to preserve Pakistan — naturally in... Published 28 May, 2011 08:26pm

Environment, environment, environment

WILLIAM Dillard, founder of Dillard`s Department Stores, the third-largest department-store chain in the US, made... Published 21 May, 2011 08:07pm

Forgetting history

THE ministerial springing to the defence of the ISI took off pre-Abbottabad. On April 25, the interior minister,... Published 14 May, 2011 08:30pm

Fundamental rights

IT has taken great strength of character for the Monticello doctor, Babar Awan, not only to resign from his powerful... Published 08 May, 2011 02:24am

‘Service to God and Country’

THE March 31 issue of carried an article entitled `A great deal of ruin in a nation`, comparing critical statistics... Published 30 Apr, 2011 08:25pm

Earth Day 2011

THIS past Friday came and went in the usual manner. The republic’s citizens were busy combating terrorism and... Published 23 Apr, 2011 07:53pm

No clear path

THE phrase ‘no clear path’ has a rather fine ring to it particularly if applied in general to Pakistan, the republic... Published 16 Apr, 2011 08:15pm