Ardeshir Cowasjee

The national stupor

HOW fares the state of the nation`s health? Well, we know that for at least some 80 per cent of the 180 million it... Published 21 Nov, 2010 12:50am

Scope for hope?

OH to be young and hopeful! There are such beings as I found out in a conversation with the son of my friend and... Published 13 Nov, 2010 08:08pm

Targeted killings

AT the peak of sectarian targeted killings in Belfast in the 1970s, an Irishman found himself accosted on a dark... Published 06 Nov, 2010 07:05pm

Converting crisis into opportunity

ADDING to the snappy ‘politics is the art of the possible,’ American labour organiser, writer and columnist Oscar... Published 31 Oct, 2010 12:00am

Lawless lawyers

MOHAMMAD Ali Jinnah, founder and maker of what is now known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (whether he would... Published 24 Oct, 2010 12:00am

What we citizens need to do

FOR decades, some of us scribblers have been writing about the swift degradation of our cities — particularly ... Published 17 Oct, 2010 12:00am

Bleeding the country dry

`EACH successive government of Pakistan will be worse than its predecessor.` Thus predicted Mohammad Ali Jinnah to a... Published 10 Oct, 2010 12:00am

Bleeding the country dry

iv id= `Each successive government of Pakistan will be worse than its predecessor.` Thus predicted Mohammad Ali... Published 10 Oct, 2010 12:00am

Justice far and near

iv id= The national mindset is not given to looking before it leaps, to thinking or to cogitation. Emotions overtake... Published 03 Oct, 2010 12:00am

Justice far and near

THE national mindset is not given to looking before it leaps, to thinking or to cogitation. Emotions overtake the... Published 02 Oct, 2010 07:00pm

Food for worms

iv id= For some months prior to the alarming `demand` (yes, in Pakistan politicians and others who feel they are of... Published 26 Sep, 2010 12:00am

Fact or fiction?

Field-Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, first Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, aka Monty, victorious commander of the... Published 22 Sep, 2010 11:04am

Fact or fiction?

iv id= Field-Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, first Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, aka Monty, victorious commander ... Published 19 Sep, 2010 12:00am

Needed: the truth

iv id= It was William Randolph Hearst, American press baron, who came out with a valid truth `A politician will do... Published 05 Sep, 2010 12:00am

Needed: the truth

IT was William Randolph Hearst, American press baron, who came out with a valid truth: `A politician will do ... Published 05 Sep, 2010 12:00am

How can one help?

iv id= THE National Disaster Management Authority and its provincial/local subsidiaries have justifiably come under... Published 29 Aug, 2010 12:00am

How can one help?

THE National Disaster Management Authority and its provincial/local subsidiaries have justifiably come under fire ... Published 29 Aug, 2010 12:00am

This time water, next time…

According to certain estimates made by international environmental experts the rich countries of the world must ... Published 22 Aug, 2010 10:55am

Sixty-three and down on our knees

iv id= Cried Cassio in Shakespeare`s Othello “Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I... Published 15 Aug, 2010 12:00am