Munir Akram

Modi’s improbable ambitions

Modi’s improbable ambitions

The Indian prime minister will be unable to pummel Pakistan into accepting its regional domination. Updated 01 Mar, 2015 08:58am
The wolf and the fox

The wolf and the fox

Thanks to the US ‘strategic umbrella’, India has adopted a more robust posture towards China. Published 01 Feb, 2015 12:27am
Causes of Islamist militancy

Causes of Islamist militancy

The basic rationale for radicalism has been provided by the suppression of Muslims. Updated 18 Jan, 2015 10:45am
War in the shadows

War in the shadows

Pakistan will have to defeat India’s secret war against Pakistan if it is to defeat the TTP. Published 04 Jan, 2015 01:22am
Counterterrorism consensus

Counterterrorism consensus

Today, there is an opportunity to build a genuine global consensus to eliminate terrorism. Published 21 Dec, 2014 06:44am
Ups and downs of oil prices

Ups and downs of oil prices

Most policymakers are wondering for how long this period of cheaper oil will last. Published 07 Dec, 2014 07:09am
The external dimension

The external dimension

Many of Pakistan’s security challenges are linked to the situation beyond its borders. Published 09 Nov, 2014 07:15am
Gambling against Armageddon

Gambling against Armageddon

The operation of mutual deterrence between India and Pakistan is being eroded. Published 26 Oct, 2014 06:38am
New Afghan opportunity

New Afghan opportunity

Conditions may now exist for a rapprochement between Islamabad and Kabul. Published 12 Oct, 2014 01:33am
India’s Great Power game

India’s Great Power game

The most proximate impediment to India’s quest for Great Power status remains Pakistan. Published 28 Sep, 2014 02:02am
Fighting the Islamic State

Fighting the Islamic State

It is not wholly evident why IS has emerged as America’s top military target. Published 14 Sep, 2014 05:54am
Enemy at the gate

Enemy at the gate

Hopefully, realisation has dawned that peace is not about to break out with India. Published 31 Aug, 2014 02:11am
Pakistan’s Moscow option

Pakistan’s Moscow option

There are many areas where mutually beneficial cooperation can be promoted between Islamabad and Moscow. Published 17 Aug, 2014 02:05am
Israel: winning yet losing

Israel: winning yet losing

Israel’s military success is unlikely to yield sustainable security. Published 03 Aug, 2014 01:41am
Three queens

Three queens

The modern ‘game’ of world politics is complex and multi-dimensional. Published 20 Jul, 2014 01:18am
Pakistan’s ‘war on terrorism’

Pakistan’s ‘war on terrorism’

The North Waziristan operation is unlikely to be fully successful since it lacked the vital element of surprise. Published 06 Jul, 2014 01:10am
The gates of hell

The gates of hell

The neutralisation of ISIS will have to be achieved by a combination of political and military means. Published 22 Jun, 2014 01:05am

Don’t do stupid stuff

What has Obama’s cautious foreign and security policy achieved? Published 08 Jun, 2014 01:04am