MODERN analyses of the comparative strength of states utilise metrics such as population, GDP, military spending and other ‘objective’ criteria.
Published14 Apr, 2013 05:05am
AFTER a decade dedicated to the “war on terror” and two long and costly land wars, the US has already shifted strategic gears. It has left Iraq, mission largely unaccomplished
Published31 Mar, 2013 05:05am
THE only existing gas pipeline in Pakistan is the Sui gas distribution network that has supplied Pakistani homes, factories and power plants for the past four decades.
Published16 Mar, 2013 11:02pm
AFTER a long hiatus, Iran is again sitting across the table from the P5+1 (Germany) in Almaty for talks covering its nuclear programme plus related issues.
Published03 Mar, 2013 12:10am
THE Rio+20 summit on sustainable development held last June did not attract major headlines in the mainstream media despite its existential implications.
Published17 Feb, 2013 12:10am
PAKISTAN is at another inflexion point in its eventful history. It confronts strategic challenges simultaneously on three fronts: internal, western and eastern.
Published03 Feb, 2013 12:10am
“CHAOS Theory” is a course taught at many prestigious universities to analyse and predict developments during crises. Pakistan’s short but turbulent political history provides excellent empirical data for such study.
Published20 Jan, 2013 12:10am
PAKISTAN will hold its next parliamentary and presidential elections this year. Many Pakistanis see this first ever completion of its term by an elected civilian government as cause for celebration.
Published06 Jan, 2013 12:10am
FROM the desert of the Sahel to the islands of the Pacific, Muslim peoples and states are today afflicted by conflicts and violence of varying dimensions and intensity.
Published08 Dec, 2012 10:04pm