Munir Akram

Opportunity and challenge

Opportunity and challenge

Given the emerging strategic alignments, CPEC may have already become the target of an economic ‘war’. Updated 04 Sep, 2016 04:32am
Kashmir: why talk to India?

Kashmir: why talk to India?

Talks with India at this point will not resolve the dispute and could demoralise the Kashmiris. Updated 21 Aug, 2016 11:52am
Is Pakistan isolated?

Is Pakistan isolated?

Our diplomacy has displayed several missteps which illustrate an absence of strategic direction. Updated 01 Feb, 2017 07:51am
The Thucydides trap

The Thucydides trap

American military moves to contain China have become more robust and overt in recent months. Published 24 Jul, 2016 05:19am
The end of Europe?

The end of Europe?

Brexit has happened at a sensitive moment for European security. Published 10 Jul, 2016 02:08am
The new Great Game

The new Great Game

America is and will remain a major player in the new Asian Great Game. Updated 06 Oct, 2016 09:00am
Way of the knife

Way of the knife

The purpose of the US strike may have been to create fresh divisions within the Afghan Taliban. Published 29 May, 2016 01:29am
America’s whipping boy

America’s whipping boy

The design seems to be to have Pakistan fight the US and Kabul’s fight against the Haqqanis. Updated 15 May, 2016 07:09am
Power and corruption

Power and corruption

The focus on corruption of Third World leaders masks the unscrupulous behaviour of major capitalist states. Published 01 May, 2016 07:01am
The Indo-US alliance

The Indo-US alliance

The US alliance with India has negative implications for Pakistan’s security. Updated 20 Apr, 2016 09:10am
Hope over experience

Hope over experience

It appears that everyone wants a negotiated peace in Afghanistan, except the Afghans themselves. Published 20 Mar, 2016 07:41am
Angry America

Angry America

If either Trump or Cruz is elected much of the right-wing anger may be reflected in US policies. Published 06 Mar, 2016 06:35am
World disorder

World disorder

Today, the Muslim world needs its own version of a Westphalian peace. Published 07 Feb, 2016 06:49am
Engaging India

Engaging India

Under the circumstances, it may be best to delay the dialogue until the dust has settled over Pathankot. Updated 10 Jan, 2016 11:28am
Defeating IS

Defeating IS

An aerial campaign will not be sufficient to defeat the militant Islamic State group in the absence of land forces. Published 27 Dec, 2015 06:16am