Munir Akram
Today, Pakistan has few friends and many enemies in Washington.
Published 18 Sep, 2016 01:53am
Given the emerging strategic alignments, CPEC may have already become the target of an economic ‘war’.
Updated 04 Sep, 2016 04:32am
Talks with India at this point will not resolve the dispute and could demoralise the Kashmiris.
Updated 21 Aug, 2016 11:52am
Our diplomacy has displayed several missteps which illustrate an absence of strategic direction.
Updated 01 Feb, 2017 07:51am
American military moves to contain China have become more robust and overt in recent months.
Published 24 Jul, 2016 05:19am
Brexit has happened at a sensitive moment for European security.
Published 10 Jul, 2016 02:08am
The country must break out of its defensive mode.
Published 26 Jun, 2016 04:09am
America is and will remain a major player in the new Asian Great Game.
Updated 06 Oct, 2016 09:00am
The purpose of the US strike may have been to create fresh divisions within the Afghan Taliban.
Published 29 May, 2016 01:29am
The design seems to be to have Pakistan fight the US and Kabul’s fight against the Haqqanis.
Updated 15 May, 2016 07:09am
The focus on corruption of Third World leaders masks the unscrupulous behaviour of major capitalist states.
Published 01 May, 2016 07:01am
The US alliance with India has negative implications for Pakistan’s security.
Updated 20 Apr, 2016 09:10am
India has adopted a complex strategy to wear down Pakistan’s resistance.
Updated 02 Sep, 2016 01:06pm
It appears that everyone wants a negotiated peace in Afghanistan, except the Afghans themselves.
Published 20 Mar, 2016 07:41am
If either Trump or Cruz is elected much of the right-wing anger may be reflected in US policies.
Published 06 Mar, 2016 06:35am
A secretary general must not be beholden to one or more of the permanent members.
Published 21 Feb, 2016 07:11am
Today, the Muslim world needs its own version of a Westphalian peace.
Published 07 Feb, 2016 06:49am
There are several external drivers of violence that need to be neutralised.
Published 24 Jan, 2016 01:39am
Under the circumstances, it may be best to delay the dialogue until the dust has settled over Pathankot.
Updated 10 Jan, 2016 11:28am
An aerial campaign will not be sufficient to defeat the militant Islamic State group in the absence of land forces.
Published 27 Dec, 2015 06:16am