Munir Akram
For all intents and purposes, Pakistan has accepted India’s ‘role’ in Afghanistan.
Published 13 Dec, 2015 02:55am
The Syrian civil war represents the sum of all the sins of foreign interference.
Updated 29 Nov, 2015 09:59am
Our stability is dependent on achieving equitable economic development and evolving stable governance.
Published 15 Nov, 2015 06:52am
Capital investing in Pakistan can enter a sustained and rewarding phase.
Published 01 Nov, 2015 01:17am
The Pakistan-US relationship appears to be headed for another showdown.
Published 18 Oct, 2015 06:39am
To make Pakistan a prime investment destination, the government must address two critical challenges.
Published 04 Oct, 2015 01:56am
Prospects of arms control in South Asia have been retarded by the discriminatory restraints on Pakistan.
Published 13 Sep, 2015 01:21am
India’s Western patrons point fingers at Pakistan’s defensive responses rather than the Indian military expansion.
Published 30 Aug, 2015 01:33am
The debacle on the west is intimately related to the disturbing developments in the east.
Published 16 Aug, 2015 05:58am
Normalisation between Pakistan and India can be achieved only if Pakistan pursues an equal relationship.
Published 02 Aug, 2015 07:09am
As the country emerges from isolation, an opportunity presents itself to create a regional security structure.
Published 25 Jul, 2015 02:20am
Today, European complacency has been replaced by doubt and discord.
Published 05 Jul, 2015 05:54am
There are a number of global issues where cooperation is essential between the two leading powers.
Published 21 Jun, 2015 07:00am
India is frustrated that Pakistan has not wilted under the pressure New Delhi hoped to generate.
Updated 07 Jun, 2015 10:12am
Despite the disappointments, peace can be realised in Afghanistan.
Published 24 May, 2015 01:24am
The erosion of Pakistan’s relations with Saudi Arabia will weaken, not enhance, our leverage with Iran.
Updated 10 May, 2015 11:31am
There is no reason why we should not realise the ambitious vision outlined during President Xi’s visit.
Published 26 Apr, 2015 01:01am
The world should be made to understand why Pakistan remains ‘obsessed’ with India.
Published 12 Apr, 2015 01:42am
Recent positive developments do not mean the Great Game involving Afghanistan is over.
Published 29 Mar, 2015 06:45am
The peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue would be a major achievement for President Obama.
Published 15 Mar, 2015 01:19am