Munir Akram

Engaging Modi

THE invitation to Nawaz Sharif and other Saarc leaders from Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi to attend his... Published 25 May, 2014 07:45am
Dangers of nuclear discrimination

Dangers of nuclear discrimination

A NUCLEAR South Asia became a more dangerous place when the Bush administration ‘de-hyphenated’ policy towards... Updated 12 May, 2014 12:45pm

Democracy’s darker dividends

DEMOCRACY is a process for governance by popular consent and the peaceful transfer of power. Periodic elections are... Published 27 Apr, 2014 06:27am

The Asian challenge

ALTHOUGH the world attention is focused today on a new ‘Cold War’ in Europe, it is in Asia that the prospects of... Published 13 Apr, 2014 08:51am

No policy clarity

AT present, the pervasive characteristic of Pakistan’s security policies — regarding the TTP, Afghanistan and... Updated 31 Mar, 2014 12:47pm

Chicken à la Kiev

THE most renowned culinary offering named for Ukraine’s fair capital is probably not being consumed extensively in... Published 16 Mar, 2014 07:40am

Playing Russian roulette

EUROPE and the United States have successfully encouraged a revolt against Viktor Yanukovych, the inept and corrupt,... Published 02 Mar, 2014 07:19am

Mainstreaming Modi

IN February 2002, 2,000 Muslim men, women and children were killed by Hindu mobs in India’s Gujrat state. A ... Published 16 Feb, 2014 08:15am

It’s mostly about N-Pakistan

IN a New York Times report of Jan 27, US officials have admitted what some Pakistanis have long asserted: that the... Published 02 Feb, 2014 08:06am

Revolt and renaissance

MUCH of the Muslim world — from the Maghreb to the Indonesian archipelago — is in the throes of violent change.... Published 19 Jan, 2014 07:57am

Challenges: known and unknown

DURING the six months of the current government, there have been few changes on major national issues. Given the... Published 05 Jan, 2014 07:33am

The tripolar order

WHILE all politics is local, specific issues and events are also affected by the push and pull of global power... Published 22 Dec, 2013 08:08am

Iran deal: regional view

THE ‘interim’ agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme reached in Geneva two weeks ago was a seminal event in... Published 08 Dec, 2013 08:22am

Pakistan’s poverty dozen

AT independence in 1947, Pakistan was a poor country. But it was richer than China, India and many other currently... Published 24 Nov, 2013 07:50am

Terms of engagement

WHEN a US drone killed Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s interior minister proclaimed it had killed ... Published 10 Nov, 2013 07:58am

Drone dilemma

KILLER drones pose a moral and policy dilemma for the US and Pakistan. The US has found drones an easy and low-cost... Published 27 Oct, 2013 07:10am

Security is imperative

WHEN Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif assumed his third term in office, he proposed unconditional talks to India; sought ... Published 13 Oct, 2013 08:18am

The Rouhani opportunity

THE election of Iran’s ‘moderate’ President Hassan Rouhani was a pleasant surprise for the West. His ‘charm... Published 29 Sep, 2013 07:58am

Security Council again

US PRESIDENT Obama’s threat to launch punitive air strikes against Syria unilaterally, without even a token... Published 15 Sep, 2013 08:30am

Blundering into Syria

THE US, together with a ‘coalition of the willing’, appears on the verge of launching air strikes against the... Published 01 Sep, 2013 07:41am