Munir Akram

Trade for development

Trade for development

The interests of the developing countries would be best served if they act collectively. Published 18 Mar, 2018 05:01am
Planning and patience

Planning and patience

Without a clear plan, Pakistan can fall into the trap of making piecemeal concessions. Published 04 Mar, 2018 07:03am
Winning without fighting

Winning without fighting

Strategic patience may be good policy while Trump is in office. Published 18 Feb, 2018 06:37am
Trying times

Trying times

Pakistan can afford to display greater flexibility towards the US rather than India. Published 04 Feb, 2018 07:03am
Window to the West

Window to the West

Pakistan and China must undertake serious efforts to preserve, diversify and intensify their relationship. Published 21 Jan, 2018 07:01am
Tweets and consequences

Tweets and consequences

Pakistan needs to boldly and clearly articulate its interests and objectives to the US. Published 07 Jan, 2018 07:00am
The winds of nuclear war

The winds of nuclear war

Today, Pakistan and India are engaged in a complex confrontation. Updated 25 Dec, 2017 11:36am
New alliances, new wars

New alliances, new wars

Each component of the Middle East matrix is extremely complex. Published 26 Nov, 2017 06:57am
China-US: shaping the future

China-US: shaping the future

The rivalry between China and the US will depend on the vibrancy of their governance systems. Published 12 Nov, 2017 06:53am
The dragon in the room

The dragon in the room

In the crisis unfolding, China could do several things to support Pakistan. Updated 30 Oct, 2017 01:47pm
Terms of re-engagement

Terms of re-engagement

Pakistan must not delude itself that its re-engagement will change US strategic goals. Updated 15 Oct, 2017 02:43pm
The nuclear dimension

The nuclear dimension

Without its nuclear and missile capabilities, Pakistan would have been sanctioned like Iran. Published 01 Oct, 2017 04:22am
America’s new Afghan war

America’s new Afghan war

The US is no longer interested in a political settlement unless the Afghan Taliban accept America’s terms. Published 17 Sep, 2017 07:02am
‘K’ is for Kashmir

‘K’ is for Kashmir

Some among Pakistan’s elites appear to have lost the will to support the occupied territory’s struggle. Updated 05 Feb, 2018 04:29pm
The new cold war

The new cold war

Although the US is no longer the global hegemon, it continues to behave as if it is. Published 06 Aug, 2017 03:11am
Sticking it to Pakistan

Sticking it to Pakistan

US demands on Pakistan are no longer limited to the Afghan Taliban or the Haqqanis. Published 23 Jul, 2017 07:28am
Modi’s American embrace

Modi’s American embrace

The alliance with America will involve challenges and costs for India. Updated 10 Jul, 2017 12:18pm
Strategy-free force

Strategy-free force

In almost every conflict where it is engaged, the US has escalated the use of force. Published 25 Jun, 2017 04:16am