Munir Akram
Pakistan should revive its traditional leadership role in the Muslim world.
Updated 23 Dec, 2018 12:15pm
The objective may not be to secure an adversary’s immediate defeat, but to erode its morale.
Published 09 Dec, 2018 07:04am
Sectors and products with the greatest potential for export growth should be identified and promoted.
Published 25 Nov, 2018 07:03am
Trump has mastered the art of diversion through atrocious assertions and rhetoric.
Published 11 Nov, 2018 07:03am
There is need for more vocal Chinese support to Pakistan on its core security challenges.
Published 28 Oct, 2018 07:07am
The confrontation between the US and China is likely to escalate in words and deeds.
Published 14 Oct, 2018 07:23am
Modi and the BJP have failed spectacularly to improve the lives of the majority of the Indian people.
Updated 05 Mar, 2019 11:54am
The US has several tactical and strategic reasons to cooperate with China and support CPEC.
Published 16 Sep, 2018 06:35am
The presumption of integrity will enhance Pakistan’s international credentials.
Published 02 Sep, 2018 06:57am
None of America’s exercises in coercion is likely to end well.
Published 19 Aug, 2018 07:20am
Pakistan-China ties must be developed on the basis of convergent strategic objectives.
Updated 06 Aug, 2018 09:03am
How ‘free’ is the ‘common’ Pakistani voter to choose qualified and honest representatives?
Published 22 Jul, 2018 07:58am
The US will seek to exploit Iran’s economic vulnerabilities as well as ethnic and religious fissures.
Published 08 Jul, 2018 07:15am
How can the first UN report on human rights in Kashmir be utilised to alleviate the people’s suffering?
Updated 24 Jun, 2018 01:40pm
Since the US invasion of Iraq, power has pivoted towards the Eurasian heartland.
Published 10 Jun, 2018 07:20am
A shift in India’s strategic posture could open the door to addressing, if not fully resolving, the major issues.
Published 27 May, 2018 06:59am
Pakistan’s interests may suffer in the current tensions involving the US and Iran.
Updated 15 May, 2019 05:30pm
Pakistan needs to build its responses to possible scenarios it may face in a future crisis with India.
Published 29 Apr, 2018 07:15am
The US-India alliance is pushing Pakistan into an even greater dependence on China.
Updated 15 Apr, 2018 12:55pm
There are five areas where America’s current postures could lead to disastrous consequences.
Published 01 Apr, 2018 06:49am