Murtaza Haider

Pakistanis lost without maps

Pakistanis lost without maps

The Land Surveying and Mapping Bill 2012 is so poorly construed that if you were to draw a map by hand, you could be imprisoned and/or fined. Published 21 Nov, 2012 01:58pm
Canada's missing daughters

Canada's missing daughters

The Canadian welcome to all immigrants does not cover violence against daughters, born or otherwise. Published 07 Nov, 2012 05:18pm
Who wants to be an emigrant?

Who wants to be an emigrant?

Highly-skilled Pakistani emigrants have the opportunity to play a much larger role in improving the plight of those they have left behind. Published 31 Oct, 2012 09:44am
J for jihad or J for jobs

J for jihad or J for jobs

Ask any expert about how many workers are gainfully employed in Pakistan and they may not have an answer. Published 24 Oct, 2012 04:24pm
Time to reclaim our mosques

Time to reclaim our mosques

Over the years, the middleman between the man and his faith has become stronger than the faith itself, writes Murtaza Haider. Published 17 Oct, 2012 08:14am
Malala Yousufzai sok daa?

Malala Yousufzai sok daa?

She is fearless, enlightened, articulate young woman - the face of Pakistan and the hope for a faltering nation that can no longer protect its daughters. Published 10 Oct, 2012 04:56pm
Do starving investors earn higher returns?

Do starving investors earn higher returns?

Stock markets in Muslim-majority countries report significantly higher returns during Ramazan, enabling believers to count blessings in Dollars, Dinars and Rupees. Published 03 Oct, 2012 02:01pm
Legalising bribes

Legalising bribes

The idea is to legalise bribery but only partially; giving bribes should be legalised but accepting bribes should remain a crime. Published 12 Sep, 2012 05:15pm
Tweeting from Pakistan

Tweeting from Pakistan

With a few hundred tweets a day, those addicted to twitter are primarily engaged in the flow, and not synthesis, of information. Published 05 Sep, 2012 04:53pm
Mistaking handshakes for friendship

Mistaking handshakes for friendship

Indians and Pakistanis cannot break free of the shared heritage; Pakistan’s relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink. Published 29 Aug, 2012 04:35pm
Pakistani Americans: Bordered without doctors

Pakistani Americans: Bordered without doctors

Despite thousands of distinguished Pakistan-born doctors practicing in the US, Pakistani Americans are among the most deprived of healthcare services. Published 24 Aug, 2012 05:51pm
Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

Who gets to be a Muslim in Pakistan?

As Pakistanis celebrate Independence Day, they must ask themselves if they would like to live in Jinnah’s Pakistan or the Taliban’s Pakistan. Published 15 Aug, 2012 09:08am
Super power failures

Super power failures

This is not the first time that the western media had tried to question if India were ready for the big leagues. Published 08 Aug, 2012 04:42pm
Big data, big analytics, big opportunity

Big data, big analytics, big opportunity

The fate of the youth in developing countries need not be restricted to stitching underwear or making cold calls from offshored call-centres. Published 25 Jul, 2012 04:03pm
A contemptuous day in the Supreme Court

A contemptuous day in the Supreme Court

“We were ill-prepared, but extremely fortunate because the Court was willing to forgive. This time around the Court is not in the mood.” Published 18 Jul, 2012 04:15pm