The Land Surveying and Mapping Bill 2012 is so poorly construed that if you were to draw a map by hand, you could be imprisoned and/or fined.
Published21 Nov, 2012 01:58pm
I hope that these extramarital escapades distract the civil and military leadership in the US from waging wars on others.
Published14 Nov, 2012 12:29pm
Highly-skilled Pakistani emigrants have the opportunity to play a much larger role in improving the plight of those they have left behind.
Published31 Oct, 2012 09:44am
Over the years, the middleman between the man and his faith has become stronger than the faith itself, writes Murtaza Haider.
Published17 Oct, 2012 08:14am
She is fearless, enlightened, articulate young woman - the face of Pakistan and the hope for a faltering nation that can no longer protect its daughters.
Published10 Oct, 2012 04:56pm
Stock markets in Muslim-majority countries report significantly higher returns during Ramazan, enabling believers to count blessings in Dollars, Dinars and Rupees.
Published03 Oct, 2012 02:01pm
If the lack of education was indeed responsible for violent protests in Pakistan, how would one explain equally violent outbursts in the West.
Published26 Sep, 2012 10:51am
It is important to bring scientific evidence to bear on the controversy that surrounds Thar coal and its potential for Pakistan.
Published19 Sep, 2012 01:06pm
The idea is to legalise bribery but only partially; giving bribes should be legalised but accepting bribes should remain a crime.
Published12 Sep, 2012 05:15pm
With a few hundred tweets a day, those addicted to twitter are primarily engaged in the flow, and not synthesis, of information.
Published05 Sep, 2012 04:53pm
Indians and Pakistanis cannot break free of the shared heritage; Pakistan’s relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink.
Published29 Aug, 2012 04:35pm
Despite thousands of distinguished Pakistan-born doctors practicing in the US, Pakistani Americans are among the most deprived of healthcare services.
Published24 Aug, 2012 05:51pm
As Pakistanis celebrate Independence Day, they must ask themselves if they would like to live in Jinnah’s Pakistan or the Taliban’s Pakistan.
Published15 Aug, 2012 09:08am
Let each murder be compensated for $100,000 and the rates for the injured be set to reflect the loss of limbs and livelihoods.
Published01 Aug, 2012 04:28pm
The fate of the youth in developing countries need not be restricted to stitching underwear or making cold calls from offshored call-centres.
Published25 Jul, 2012 04:03pm
“We were ill-prepared, but extremely fortunate because the Court was willing to forgive. This time around the Court is not in the mood.”
Published18 Jul, 2012 04:15pm
Fifty-eight per cent of the people of Pakistan prefer a strong economy over the 34 per cent that favour a good democracy.
Published11 Jul, 2012 06:12pm