Using Pakistan as a scapegoat may be the right political move for the American President whose second term seems increasingly unlikely.
Published27 Jun, 2012 05:55pm
While several cities in Pakistan collapsed under the demand imposed by refugees, the world ignored the plight of urbanised refugees and their reluctant hosts.
Published20 Jun, 2012 10:48am
From memo-gate to family-gates, there is no shortage of scandals dominating the national narrative while suspending deliberations on real issues.
Published13 Jun, 2012 06:15pm
Obama may be limited in delivering jobs to Americans, but he remains unlimited in delivering death and destruction to the people of Pakistan.
Published06 Jun, 2012 08:44am
When it comes to views about democracy, free market economy, women rights, and the environment, do Shias and Sunnis hold divergent views?
Published30 May, 2012 09:03am
If education is not made a national priority, the gap between Indians and other South Asians will grow at home and in diaspora.
Published23 May, 2012 10:45am
Had Mr. bin Laden used his celebrity to address poverty, hunger and disease, he could have transformed the very communities which hosted him.
Published02 May, 2012 11:40am
Should Pakistan choose to invest in sanitation and not bombs, experts believe that 13,000 children’s lives could be saved by 2015.
Published25 Apr, 2012 05:50pm
It is imperative for the military and civilian establishment to understand that there is no room to play favourites and support the “good militants”.
Published18 Apr, 2012 06:52pm
“I am not opposed to business leaders heading the World Bank but what is one to think of them profiting from others’ grief?”
Published14 Mar, 2012 06:10pm