Murtaza Haider

An unFair comment

Using Pakistan as a scapegoat may be the right political move for the American President whose second term seems increasingly unlikely. Published 27 Jun, 2012 05:55pm
Of refugees, cities and cultures

Of refugees, cities and cultures

While several cities in Pakistan collapsed under the demand imposed by refugees, the world ignored the plight of urbanised refugees and their reluctant hosts. Published 20 Jun, 2012 10:48am
Hijacking national discourse in Pakistan

Hijacking national discourse in Pakistan

From memo-gate to family-gates, there is no shortage of scandals dominating the national narrative while suspending deliberations on real issues. Published 13 Jun, 2012 06:15pm
Names needed for tombstones

Names needed for tombstones

Obama may be limited in delivering jobs to Americans, but he remains unlimited in delivering death and destruction to the people of Pakistan. Published 06 Jun, 2012 08:44am
Dollars and sense of American desis

Dollars and sense of American desis

If education is not made a national priority, the gap between Indians and other South Asians will grow at home and in diaspora. Published 23 May, 2012 10:45am
The Hunger Games in Pakistan

The Hunger Games in Pakistan

Can one expect the government to include provisions in the forthcoming budget to address child malnutrition in Pakistan? Published 09 May, 2012 04:10pm
Reinventing the toilet, Bill Gates way

Reinventing the toilet, Bill Gates way

Should Pakistan choose to invest in sanitation and not bombs, experts believe that 13,000 children’s lives could be saved by 2015. Published 25 Apr, 2012 05:50pm
Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

It is imperative for the military and civilian establishment to understand that there is no room to play favourites and support the “good militants”. Published 18 Apr, 2012 06:52pm
Caring for the expatriates’ parents

Caring for the expatriates’ parents

-Photo by Hussain Afzal/ While they leave for foreign lands for better economic prospects, immigrants leave... Published 21 Mar, 2012 05:32pm
United against Iran

United against Iran

The sectarian gulf between the Sunni Arabs and Shia Iranians runs deep. Recent reports suggest that Arabs, while... Published 07 Mar, 2012 10:08am
Feeding the bomb, starving the nation

Feeding the bomb, starving the nation

Pakistanis are fast becoming a wasted nation. The alarmingly high level of malnutrition observed in Pakistan in the... Published 22 Feb, 2012 06:21pm