Murtaza Haider
If your aim is to learn and not just to pursue credentials, you are in luck.
Updated 26 Mar, 2014 06:35pm
What started as a tug-of-war, now has the potential of pitching the world’s largest military powers against each other.
Published 19 Mar, 2014 04:19pm
The Taliban should listen to religious scholars, especially in India, who are urging Muslims to embrace ballots.
Published 12 Mar, 2014 05:15pm
One would rather have ‘do tanks’ comprising doers, and not just thinkers, to bring change that eludes us.
Published 05 Mar, 2014 03:32pm
Pakistani economists assume that we need one Planning Commission to look after the entire nation. Here lies the problem.
Updated 13 Aug, 2014 02:18pm
A prudent move for Pakistan to confront terrorism: Protect mothers so that they can raise tolerant sons.
Updated 21 Feb, 2014 01:17pm
There are five million reasons for Nawaz Sharif and Najam Sethi to ignore cricket and focus on illiteracy in Pakistan.
Published 12 Feb, 2014 05:57pm
Peace talks conducted by men who have not suffered at the hands of the Taliban does not hold a lot of promise.
Published 05 Feb, 2014 09:18pm
The recent criticism of the Lahore Bus Rapid Transit system does disservice to this socio-political achievement.
Published 29 Jan, 2014 07:10pm
While Shias are being targeted, Sunnis have not fared any better at the hands of the Taliban.
Updated 09 Jun, 2014 04:03pm
It all begins with one concerned citizen and a movement is born as a result.
Published 15 Jan, 2014 06:54pm
It’s not just terrorist violence that puts Pakistan among the most violent places in the world.
Published 01 Jan, 2014 04:48pm
The search for Planning Commission’s chief economist lingers while the premier body continues to plan without planners.
Updated 13 Aug, 2014 02:14pm
The challenge now is to spread the benefits of growth evenly over the diverse Indian socio-cultural and economic fabric.
Published 18 Dec, 2013 06:28pm
While the Youth Business Loan Scheme appears to be well-intentioned, will the nation end up with billions in toxic debt?
Published 11 Dec, 2013 04:04pm
The way to resolve the missing persons’ crisis in Pakistan is to address the judicial loopholes.
Published 04 Dec, 2013 12:19pm
Benjamin Netanyahu’s fall from grace shows how quickly the pendulum may swing in the other direction.
Published 27 Nov, 2013 04:23pm
A collective dialogue among Muslims that hasn't taken place in the last 1400 years is needed to resolve this conflict.
Published 20 Nov, 2013 04:33pm
The Jamaat-e-Islami this time, has made a major error in judging the political mood in the country.
Updated 13 Nov, 2013 08:17pm
The story of urbanisation in Pakistan is the story of accidental, unplanned growth.
Published 08 Nov, 2013 03:32pm