Murtaza Haider

Yale for free

Yale for free

If your aim is to learn and not just to pursue credentials, you are in luck. Updated 26 Mar, 2014 06:35pm
Reigniting the Cold War in Euromaidan

Reigniting the Cold War in Euromaidan

What started as a tug-of-war, now has the potential of pitching the world’s largest military powers against each other. Published 19 Mar, 2014 04:19pm
Think tanks and thought buckets

Think tanks and thought buckets

One would rather have ‘do tanks’ comprising doers, and not just thinkers, to bring change that eludes us. Published 05 Mar, 2014 03:32pm
Moving masses

Moving masses

The recent criticism of the Lahore Bus Rapid Transit system does disservice to this socio-political achievement. Published 29 Jan, 2014 07:10pm
A dialogue with mass murderers

A dialogue with mass murderers

While Shias are being targeted, Sunnis have not fared any better at the hands of the Taliban. Updated 09 Jun, 2014 04:03pm
The year of living violently

The year of living violently

It’s not just terrorist violence that puts Pakistan among the most violent places in the world. Published 01 Jan, 2014 04:48pm
Searching for their sons

Searching for their sons

The way to resolve the missing persons’ crisis in Pakistan is to address the judicial loopholes. Published 04 Dec, 2013 12:19pm
Is Netanyahu the new Ahmadinejad?

Is Netanyahu the new Ahmadinejad?

Benjamin Netanyahu’s fall from grace shows how quickly the pendulum may swing in the other direction. Published 27 Nov, 2013 04:23pm
Confusing terrorists for martyrs

Confusing terrorists for martyrs

The Jamaat-e-Islami this time, has made a major error in judging the political mood in the country. Updated 13 Nov, 2013 08:17pm
The accidental cities

The accidental cities

The story of urbanisation in Pakistan is the story of accidental, unplanned growth. Published 08 Nov, 2013 03:32pm