Murtaza Haider
I wish I could say, “We didn’t see it coming.” But that would be a lie. We saw it coming.
Updated 19 Dec, 2014 01:04pm
In the not so distant future, the fight to win over Muslims will move from battle and oil fields to digital domains.
Updated 10 Dec, 2014 05:57pm
Despite big wins against child marriage, one in two young girls in Pakistan is still married off before turning 18.
Updated 14 Oct, 2017 11:57am
Thousands of Muslims have been racially profiled in the US and Europe. Their only crime: They “looked like terrorists”.
Published 26 Nov, 2014 05:16pm
No matter how much PIA plans to spend on cosmetic fixes, unless the management is overhauled, there is no hope.
Published 19 Nov, 2014 03:41pm
The cancelling of the event violates the fundamental tenet of higher education: academic freedom.
Published 12 Nov, 2014 02:15pm
Such despicable acts are hardly surprising in Pakistan where mob violence has increasingly turned into a spectator sport
Updated 08 Nov, 2014 04:43pm
Direct cash transfers would do better than sustaining public sector subsidies that have failed to address poverty.
Updated 05 Nov, 2014 05:55pm
The Law should deal only with crime and leave sin as a matter between man and his Maker.
Updated 29 Oct, 2014 10:53pm
The attack on the Canadian Parliament will change Canada in more ways than the assailant may have originally intended.
Updated 23 Oct, 2014 04:53pm
Pakistan must break free of the control of State monopolies and private oligopolies. Enter Professor Jean Tirole.
Published 15 Oct, 2014 03:03pm
Why did a 100-strong youth in Toronto pour over challenges in a country located thousands of miles away?
Updated 08 Oct, 2014 04:35pm
Feeding lies to children about an imagined past or a utopian future will not do well for Pakistan.
Updated 01 Oct, 2014 09:07pm
Singing Pharrell Williams' song, Happy should not constitute a crime with 91 lashes in punishment anywhere.
Published 24 Sep, 2014 03:10pm
Not much is left in politics if hope and innocence are not part of the equation.
Updated 17 Sep, 2014 04:00pm
From Bin Laden to Al-Baghdadi, it appears the West has yet to learn from its past mistakes of sponsoring militants.
Updated 10 Sep, 2014 07:03pm
Pakistan desperately needs political and economic stability to deal with the astronomical challenges at hand.
Updated 04 Sep, 2014 06:52pm
It’s not just about dams. Water scarcity poses an existential threat to Pakistan.
Updated 28 Aug, 2014 04:23pm
When society fails to deliver on social justice, chaos ensues.
Updated 21 Aug, 2014 10:50am
Fearless civil servants, who won't shy from writing the dissenting note, are needed more so today than ever before.
Published 13 Aug, 2014 04:25pm