Murtaza Haider
The government has admitted that poverty is much more prevalent. Yet, it falls short of admitting the whole truth.
Updated 11 Apr, 2016 02:41pm
The recent World Happiness Report, through its title and narrative, slightly distorts the actual nature of its findings.
Published 19 Mar, 2016 01:30pm
Our universities must embrace the experiential learning paradigm, and put student talent in environments with investors.
Updated 02 Jul, 2016 11:03am
The decision to send one or more children to universities necessarily becomes an exercise in resource allocation.
Updated 27 Feb, 2016 11:55am
Mr. Kumar and JNU have become unsuspecting characters in the campaign to radicalise Indian body politic.
Published 18 Feb, 2016 02:20pm
Let your admission interview be the reverse interview where you interview the interviewers.
Updated 10 Feb, 2016 01:09pm
Tajikistan's police have come out razors blazing to win the war on the beard. But, is that likely to curb militancy?
Updated 29 Jan, 2016 02:14pm
Pakistan is not the land that raised just one Malala. Thousands of young Malalas walk to schools every day.
Updated 21 Jan, 2016 01:04pm
For the first time, in a long time, the seven-year-old is no longer being beaten with heated tongs and locked up.
Updated 15 Jan, 2016 11:08pm
In the heart of Rawalpindi Cantonment, a young maid of no more than 12 years is a victim of abuse and neglect.
Updated 21 Apr, 2018 04:10pm
Should one accept religiosity to have an impact on one's safety?
Published 29 Dec, 2015 01:55pm
With such chaos at her borders and over 2.2 million Syrian refugees within, Turkey presents a strikingly calm look.
Updated 18 Dec, 2015 01:43pm
What made a young mother leave diapers for rifles?
Published 10 Dec, 2015 01:02pm
After years of despair, I feel optimistic, even bullish, about our country.
Updated 03 Dec, 2015 03:17pm
Hanging a paraplegic is running the risk of a botched execution that would compromise the dignity of Abdul Basit.
Updated 25 Nov, 2015 03:41pm
A significant result of the Bihar election is that it has given hope to Indian liberals against the tide of Hindutva.
Updated 11 Nov, 2015 10:35pm
Airline safety should not be based on a comparison of fatalities, it is the near misses that are better indicators.
Updated 20 Nov, 2020 12:23am
Ten years later, the buildings destroyed in the earlier earthquake have not yet been repaired.
Updated 28 Oct, 2015 06:39pm
Variant spellings can also impose significant economic costs in a world that is relying on analytics.
Updated 22 Oct, 2015 06:03pm
Partisan politics in Canada has swayed the debate away from what matters to the country to a few square inches of cloth.
Updated 14 Oct, 2015 06:57pm