Murtaza Haider

The pen is mightier than the bomb

The pen is mightier than the bomb

The unsung heroes of Pakistani journalism are those that faced threats and intimidation and still chose to stay. Published 30 Oct, 2013 06:37pm
Putting Pakistan up for sale

Putting Pakistan up for sale

Investors and workers wonder whether privatisation of state-owned firms would help turn them back to profitability. Updated 09 Oct, 2013 04:12pm
Thought for food

Thought for food

The education policy in Pakistan for the poor, cannot merely focus on books and teachers - it has to include free meals. Published 02 Oct, 2013 02:36pm
Privatise PIA to save it

Privatise PIA to save it

While labour unions may oppose the idea, the support for PIA’s privatisation is more widespread than one would assume. Published 25 Sep, 2013 05:59pm
Fake credentials, real wars

Fake credentials, real wars

The unsettling aspect of the Elizabeth O’Bagy case is that the US has no qualms relying on uncorroborated testimony. Published 19 Sep, 2013 06:45pm
S for Stocks, S for Satta

S for Stocks, S for Satta

Investments can be risky, but risk can’t be an investment. This fine distinction is, however, lost at the KSE. Published 14 Aug, 2013 06:05pm
Natural disasters, unnatural outcomes

Natural disasters, unnatural outcomes

Why is that people around the world react peacefully to unprecedented hardships, while Pakistanis resort to violence? Published 11 Jul, 2013 04:58pm
Talking with the Taliban

Talking with the Taliban

Even the Americans have admitted that they would now do in public what they have been doing in private. Published 19 Jun, 2013 04:56pm
Islam at war – with itself

Islam at war – with itself

Why is that the belief in Islam is not sufficient to prevent violence amongst Muslims, asks Murtaza Haider. Updated 17 Jun, 2013 03:16pm