Has electoral democracy been able to deliver jobs to the unemployed, and food to the poor? A quick economic recap of the past five years is in order.
Published16 Mar, 2013 06:26pm
A tale of two cities: One day Lahoris celebrate the reopening of the famed Pak Tea House, the next, a hate-filled mob attacks a Christian neighbourhood.
Published13 Mar, 2013 08:34am
While minorities were killed in cold blood in Pakistan, it is really strange that some senators feel the Anti-Terrorism Bill is being rushed.
Published06 Mar, 2013 02:37pm
If Jinnah and Nehru were having a conversation about today’s Pakistan, how would Jinnah explain Pakistanis seeking refuge elsewhere?
Published27 Feb, 2013 01:13pm
"Dual citizens can help restore the Chief Justice to his office, but they are not permitted to question the makeup of Pakistan’s election commission."
Published18 Feb, 2013 02:06pm
Space is fast running out in Shia graveyards in Quetta. It may be the time for Shias to relocate to protect their next generation.
Published17 Feb, 2013 01:01pm
Given that Shias are a tiny minority, Sunnis did not appreciate the attempts by Iran to assume the role of chief spokesperson for the entire Muslim community.
Published06 Feb, 2013 09:08am
American academics, who are convinced that Pakistanis support drone strikes, have ignored evidence which states otherwise.
Published30 Jan, 2013 12:35pm
The caretakers were expected to take care and the governors were supposed to govern but in Reko Diq’s case, governance failed and care was never provided.
Published23 Jan, 2013 01:22pm
Markets hate uncertainty of all types, particularly political chaos, and in the case of Pakistan such chaos is accompanied by extreme destruction.
Published16 Jan, 2013 05:59pm
In the climate of despair and gloom, there is still some hope left when Sunni students arrange protests to support Shias in Pakistan.
Published15 Jan, 2013 07:05pm
The conversations in our mosques are entirely one-sided. This has to change. It is time to judge those who have been judging us.
Published09 Jan, 2013 08:55am
As Pakistan slowly implodes under senseless violence, the ruling coalition appears to have lost touch with the reality, writes Murtaza Haider.
Published19 Dec, 2012 04:39pm
It should come as no surprise that all independent assessments of Pakistan’s role in the Afghan war see it as a great misadventure.
Published12 Dec, 2012 02:49pm
Twenty seven years since its inception in December 1985, the association has not much to show for its success or utility.
Published08 Dec, 2012 05:35pm
Pakistanis have to think afresh about how they can use philanthropy to address the harm caused by terrorist violence, writes Murtaza Haider.
Published05 Dec, 2012 11:05am
Attacks by militants have caused the death of hundreds of police in Pakistan, but no one is willing to recognise their sacrifice.
Published28 Nov, 2012 02:46pm