Murtaza Haider
Several policy-makers, politicians, and development professionals in the west believe that the economic survival of...
Published 15 Feb, 2012 05:28pm
It took Four Brothers to put Pakistan Railways, or at least one of its trains, back on track. It will, however,...
Published 08 Feb, 2012 11:19am
For a nation of 180-million people, a very small fraction of Pakistanis pursue higher education. Compared to Canada,...
Published 01 Feb, 2012 10:48am
-Photo by Fayyaz Ahmed The increase in violence in Pakistan is believed to have its roots in religious extremism,...
Updated 14 May, 2014 03:07pm
-Photo Illustration by Abro It takes a couple of trucks, some jeeps, a few dozen soldiers and a ride on the...
Published 18 Jan, 2012 08:00am
This is the third in a 3-part series on Balochistan. The first and second parts appeared on December 28, 2011 and...
Published 11 Jan, 2012 06:42pm
This is the second in a three part series on Balochistan. The first part appeared on December 28, 2011. The third...
Published 04 Jan, 2012 04:09pm
The armed struggle in Balochistan is between the haves and have-nots of Pakistan. On one hand are the Baloch...
Published 28 Dec, 2011 05:09pm
While Pakistan is known for the diversity of beliefs, cultures and languages, the Pakistani TV, however, has...
Published 21 Dec, 2011 10:42am
Unlike most Pakistanis, who lack access to adequate healthcare, President Zardari is fortunate to have access to the...
Published 14 Dec, 2011 10:15am
Months before the deadly attack in the Mohmand region that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, the American administration...
Published 07 Dec, 2011 04:10pm
Pakistanis of all political and religious persuasions are equally enraged by the tragic death of their soldiers...
Published 30 Nov, 2011 10:38am
While we may never know who indeed authored the ever so memorable memo, which has cost former ambassador Husain...
Published 23 Nov, 2011 09:05am
Halfway between Toronto and Montreal, ghastly details of a murder trial are unfolding. The dead are three young...
Published 18 Nov, 2011 04:35pm
Some day in the future, the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Makkah) could be much more than a ritualistic manifestation ...
Published 09 Nov, 2011 01:44pm
A recent public opinion poll revealed that the top-most research priority areas identified by Pakistanis included...
Published 02 Nov, 2011 01:06pm
Iqbal Masih The author and regret the errors and inconvenience caused. Campaigning on behalf of destitute...
Published 26 Oct, 2011 04:03pm
What has luck to do with professional cricket? A systematic analysis of test cricketers’ performance suggests that...
Published 19 Oct, 2011 07:27am
The proliferation of madrassa education in Pakistan has contributed to labour market mismatches. According to the...
Published 14 Oct, 2011 02:12pm
Given the brutal violence against the Shias in Pakistan over the past three decades, Shias have started to wonder if...
Published 05 Oct, 2011 02:11pm