The identity crisis of the urban middle classes 290x230-Identity-crisis Bulleh From the banks of river Nile to the sand dunes of Kashgar Prefecture, Muslims were... Published 28 Sep, 2011 06:42pm
Where are the women tax payers in Pakistan? Nowhere else is the gender gap more pronounced in Pakistan than in the income tax rolls where more than 99 per cent... Published 21 Sep, 2011 02:39pm
Expatriates of the world, unite! In the last fiscal year alone, overseas Pakistanis remitted over $11 billion, which accounts for almost 7 per cent ... Published 14 Sep, 2011 12:44pm
"They killed my husband" The story of David and Cindy Barkway, both casualties of 9/11 in their own way. Published 11 Sep, 2011 06:20am
Bartered in marriage: The bride exchange in rural Pakistan Your urban feminist sensibilities (even if you are a man) may be offended to learn that two economists from the ... Published 07 Sep, 2011 12:47pm
Exploring the fault lines Almost 37,000 violent deaths due to communal, sectarian, and political strife in a mere span of eight years suggest... Published 31 Aug, 2011 02:58pm
The killing fields of Pakistan The bloodbath in Karachi continues. The death toll in the last week alone has reached over 100. A glance at the... Published 26 Aug, 2011 10:14am
Religious tolerance in Pakistan Muhammad Osman, originally from Mali, is seen praying in Manhattan on August 13, 2011. –Photo by author. Imagine... Published 15 Aug, 2011 07:46am
The missing taxpayers They travel abroad regularly, live in palatial homes and drive luxury vehicles. They are 2.3-million strong – they... Published 28 Mar, 2011 11:14am
The news-life of a natural disaster The news-life of a natural disaster, especially one unfolding in a distant land, is often very short. Western ... Published 13 Sep, 2010 01:18pm
Who benefits by higher interest rates? An interesting public debate has started between two economists, Paul Krugman and Raghuram Rajan. The debate being... Published 03 Sep, 2010 12:33pm
Do Muslims get bad press in the media? The western media is reporting that a poor image of Pakistan may be behind the lacklustre response to fund-raising... Published 24 Aug, 2010 09:21am