Murtaza Haider
Iran recently asked its police not to assume the clergy's role in interpreting Islam. Pakistan should follow suit.
Published 06 May, 2015 04:25pm
Pakistan should act now to prevent future grief and losses that may exceed the nations’ collective capacity to heal.
Updated 30 Apr, 2015 04:20pm
While the Chinese may be ready and willing to invest, Pakistan has to be ready to absorb the infrastructure investments.
Updated 22 Apr, 2015 05:21pm
Recent research from India reveals the role that preference for male offspring plays in the stunted growth of children.
Updated 17 Apr, 2015 03:46pm
For our fortunes to turn, urban economic development has to be at the forefront of economic policymaking.
Updated 08 Apr, 2015 04:59pm
With over $50,000 in per capita GDP, Canada is a rich economy. Still, on any given night, 35,000 Canadians are homeless.
Updated 29 Oct, 2020 11:12pm
Economists and political scientists offer a myriad of reasons. There is, however, a simpler explanation.
Updated 25 Mar, 2015 06:56pm
Almost 40 million Muslim women have already started working in the past 10 years alone.
Published 18 Mar, 2015 02:11pm
It is important to explore the reasons behind the declining competitiveness of Pakistanis at home and abroad.
Updated 18 Dec, 2016 12:46am
The inability to serve the mobility needs of the destitute is a significant challenge for transit planners in South Asia
Updated 06 Mar, 2015 04:46pm
India's project will be the world’s most ambitious housing development plan. Pakistan can learn a few things.
Published 25 Feb, 2015 05:57pm
These important tasks cannot be left to political leaders, they have no interest in public welfare matters.
Updated 18 Feb, 2015 04:03pm
Canada needs cooks, not computer scientists.
Updated 13 Feb, 2015 12:15pm
The private sector has done an abysmal job with public transit. The State has to build what the rest will not.
Updated 06 Feb, 2015 04:37pm
I witnessed firsthand that the quality of healthcare in Pakistan can beat even that in advanced economies.
Updated 28 Jan, 2015 04:33pm
Terrorism's most devastating economic impact was recorded in reduced remittances and losses in domestic investments.
Published 21 Jan, 2015 07:27pm
NRSP's experimental low-cost insurance programme revealed how a social safety net could curb incidences of child labour.
Updated 14 Jan, 2015 05:15pm
If their agenda is to put a wedge between Muslims and the rest, the Jihadists are doing a pretty fine job.
Published 08 Jan, 2015 02:10pm
Pakistan’s development challenges are local, not necessarily national. It is time to let go of central planning bodies.
Published 07 Jan, 2015 04:59pm
José Mujica has some things in common with the Zardaris and Sharifs of Pakistan.
Updated 31 Dec, 2014 03:55pm